Mount and blade warband companion guide
Mount and blade warband companion guide

mount and blade warband companion guide

But as if it wasn't enough, they are also very proficient at melee, on par with some other faction mid-high tier infantry lines, and their equipment (one hander + body shield) means that they still stay relevant once they have used all their bolts. They are very accurate, and boy do they pack a punch, since no armor can resist their penetrating power, and most shields shatter after a few bolt impacts. Sharpshooters are the iconic troop from Rhodoks: well-armored, they wield the deadliest crossbow in the land: the Siege Crossbow, as well as the superior Siege Bolts, with the highest crossbow proficiency around. They're not lacking in the damage department either, some of them wielding the frightening, siege-breaker Military Hammer, while some also carry Glaives which pretty much negate cavalry's power by themselves. The Sergeant is a brick, and with enough of these guys you can build a moving wall: they are heavily armored, tough, and equipped with body-sized shields that can soak up dozens of arrows. No cavalry whatsoever, but given the context of their realm, that makes sense. Both of these units are simply wonderful. Their troop tree is very simple: one infantry line, culminating in Rhodok Sergeant, and one crossbow line, culminating in Rhodok Sharpshooter.

mount and blade warband companion guide

Let's say rather that they are overall the best suited units for a defensive playstyle, absolutely terrifying as siege defenders, and still very competent on an open field, assuming you know how to play with elevation. Now, let it not be said that Rhodoks are only "anti-cavalry", because that'd be a very limiting description. On top of that, they have only two war fronts: one with the Sarranids and one with Swadia, two factions whose strongest asset is their heavy cavalry, which loses most of its threatening power when they try to fight Rhodoks on their own land. The very concept of Rhodoks is turtling, their whole army is designed around that defensive stance, and so is their natural environment, since their Kingdom is made of steep hills, surrounded by mountains, and what few entrances it has are chokepoints defended by some of the best castles in the game.

mount and blade warband companion guide

Well, it's also my favorite playstyle, so I think I can answer that, and that would be Rhodoks.

Mount and blade warband companion guide